LoonyProduction GardenTour

 LoonyProduction Garden Tour

These are items I have growing around my home that I've planted.  I never buy store bought soil.  I turn my compost into soil.  Everything in my garden is all natural, no pesticides, or chemicals. 
I like to plant herbs, vegetables, and fruits.  All the good stuff that has lots of benefits to your body.

Taro also known as Kalo 
Excellent health benefits, and great source of vitamins and nutrients 

Hawaiian chili pepper

Green Cassava plant 

Purlple leafed Cassava plant 

Roselle Flowers 


Bitter melon that has been over ripened  

Ginger flower 



I have avo's finally giving fruit.  This photo is a weird one. Almost looks like a zucchini 

Lilikoi flower 

baby cabbage rows



Thats a little tour of my garden. I will keep updated on the growth, and recipes of my fruits and vegetables I have planted. 

Seed Planting Guide

I've ordered a few seed online and they included this seed planting guide.  I hope this seed planting guide will be helpful to you gardeners at home.  
